Before I go into something a bit different for this blog post, I will let you know that Aurelia has been having a very quiet few days. She will be up to her full feeds (23 ml an hour) within the next 24 hours and the plan is that she will go for a milk scan on Monday to determine whether or not she has reflux. This will determine the type of feeding tube that she goes home with. She has seemed much calmer and easy to settle over the last few days, which has been a delight.
My mom left yesterday. After eight weeks away from home, it was time for her to take a break and go back to CT for a couple of weeks. I have had Madison to myself since yesterday morning and while I miss my mom and all of her help, it is great having some alone time with Maddie. I think that this is probably our last chance to be alone for quite some time. Charley will be arriving late tonight. Our nanny, Raquel is going to visit this weekend. And Charley's mom will be here on Monday for a week or two. It will be great to see everyone, but I am really enjoying the time alone with my girls. I am without a car now, so Maddie and I walk to the hospital. The weather is gorgeous, though a bit brisk. We bundle up and Maddie rides in her stroller. She loves pointing out all of the trucks and buses (two words that I don't think she would have mastered quite so soon at home, where we don't see trucks and buses as often as we do here!).
The title of this entry is "A Different Kind of Post" and this is the reason why: I'd like to tell you about my amazing co-workers. A few weeks ago, one of my co-workers (Kendal) emailed me and told me that there were 11 folks from my work who had been working on a quilt that our Staff Association planned to raffle off and donate the proceeds to our family. I was really touched and asked Kendal to send me a picture of the quilt when it was complete. It isn't quite done yet, but I have included a picture of the front at the top of this post. You will see that there is one tiny gold square that represents our beautiful Aurelia. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous and I am so humbled by the generosity of my co-workers. Thank you, Ladies, so very very much.
The plan was to sell raffle tickets at my work's annual Staff Day, which takes place every year on Veteran's Day. My awesome and amazing co-workers figured out a way to open the raffle to the public, which is why I'm writing about it on here. Lots of people have asked how they can help us and this is one way to do so!
The quilt is a twin size blue and cream single Irish Chain with one little gold square for Aurelia. They are selling tickets raffle tickets now ~ $1 per chance or 6 chances for $5. If you are interested in purchasing a raffle ticket or in learning more about the quilt, you can contact my co-workers at: staffassocquilt@carr.org. Thanks so much and I can't wait to hear who wins the quilt! I'm sure that it will be a beautiful touch to anyone's house!!
You forgot to mention that the drawing will be on February 14, the day of hearts!